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分享 ahhhhh.
2013-4-19 10:27
it snowed this morning and i did not feel something special. when i came to work, my translation was said to be translated by machine. I feel soooo angry.
242 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 joyous
2013-3-7 10:59
someone in the QQ group will share with me some flowers but i have to fetch it by going there. Long-distance but i love to do so, Good Luck.
206 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 overwork
2013-2-27 05:49
I got up early to finish my translation task I come to adapt to the feelings of working overtime always, it is possibly because i love translation this has been a habit of mine
309 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 1
分享 flowers
2013-2-20 08:47
i wanna flowers soooo much.
237 次阅读|0 个评论

合作联系|小黑屋|藏花阁园艺 ( 浙ICP备10014706号-5,浙ICP备10014706号-4 )|浙公网安备33010402004524号

GMT+8, 2024-4-20 16:21

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